Well……I really enjoyed having a go at this concept.

I had to try and figure a way of doing this theme. I don’t have a glass ball so i looked up another way to try this and came up with using another lens to achieve the upside down look.

I have been unwell recently so i haven’t really picked up my camera so doing this really was a lot of fun.

I have 6 chickens who free range during the day in the garden. i sat out side with them for a while enjoying the first bit of sun we have had in a while. They were very curious as to why i was sticking a lens in their faces! They happily clucked about as i happily snapped away. Even the local pigeons wondered what was going on and joined in by sitting on the fence, I had to of course get a picture of one of them as well.

I also had a go at taking a photo of myself in the mirror through the lens. I don’t know why but in my head i thought the image in the mirror would then be flipped back upright but that didn’t happen. I was still upside down.

Here are the images i managed to get. I hope you enjoy them.

I am part of a blog circle. Please head over to the very talented https://lupji.photography/2024/05/08/upside-down/ and take a look at their take on the theme ‘upside down’.

Thank you for reading.

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